Motuoapa Fishing and Boating Club
Motuoapa Boating and Fishing Club is based in Motuoapa. The club has been in place for some 40 years. The purpose of the club is:
To promote the recreational use of Lake Taupo and its tributary rivers and streams including through:
- The provision of land-based facilities supporting the fishing, boating and social activities of members.
- Conducting land and water-based competitions and social activities to promote Club membership, members’ enjoyment and overall well-being.
- Developing members’ knowledge of seamanship and safety on the water and knowledge of fishing on the lake and the fishing regulations
- Advocating the benefit of members the organisations or bodies whose roles or actions could impact the Club and its members
- Recognition of the links with Ngāti Tūwharetoa as owners of the bed of Lake Taupo
The club holds several fishing competitions yearly, and the premier one is traditionally held over Wellington Anniversary weekend in January.
The club holds “club nights” on a monthly basis – on the 2nd Friday of the month, at our club rooms at 8 Arataha Street in Motuoapa. At the club night, we offer a full kitchen with a meal selection and a full bar. We also have raffles, excellent conversation and camaraderie and a wide range of members present. Hours for the club nights are 4.00 pm to around 9.00 pm.
Additionally, over the summer break (Late December to February) the clubrooms are open on Saturdays for members with a selection of bar meals and a full bar.
The club welcome visitors and, in particular, members of the affiliated “New Zealand Sport Fishing Council”.
Check when we are open if you wish to know more about the club. You can email the club at

Contact: Jude Asher
Address: 8 Arataha Street
City: Motuoapa
Phone: 027 449 4808